Second Year Book 2

1.    How did people preserve food in the past?
2.    How did financial pressure lead to the failure of student?
3.    What was writer general view about school life?
4.    How did rid of the unwanted books?
5.    Why did writer go to the British Museum?
6.    Why did the writer feel confused in a bank?
7.    How does china rely on its own resources?
8.    How does china rely on its own resources?
9.    How did you account for the high birth-rate under in under developed countries?
10.    How did Abd-al-Rahman deal with the governor appointed by the Abbasid caliph to contest his rule?
11.    Write a brief not on the beginning of life on the earth?
12.    How has the scientific method enabled us to get over the old fear?
13.    How does financial pressure lead to the failure of student?
14.    Why did David Daiches like holidays?
15.    Why should bad book be destroyed?
16.    What was the prescription given to Jerome K.Jerome by the school?
17.    How do famines occur?
18.    How did AL-Hakim patronize leering in ran the Chinese women.
19.    What happened when according to sir James a wandering star, wandering through space come near the sun?
20.    Briefly describe how the use of the scientific method has helped us in the control of diseases.
21.    How does mistaken ambition on the part of boy and parents lead to the failing of the boy?
22.    How did David Daiches spend his summer holidays?
23.    What was the title of the book that reminded the writer of his school time?
24.    What sort of book was presented by the British public to soldiers?
25.    Why did the manager com to think that Leacock had an awful secret to reveal?
26.    Why will Chou-en-lai get his right hand dislocated?
27.    Who was the successor of Abad-al- Rehman!!!?
28.    Why is the universe of which our earth is a part so frightening?
29.    Given as many reasons as you can?
30.    How does financial pressure lead to the failure of student described in the lesson why boy fail in the college?
31.    Wishes don’t com true in this life write Daiches what are the things be longed for but could no have?
32.    Why should the write be an acquisition to the medical class?
33.    After the misadventure in the bank where did Leacock keep his money?
34.    Describe some great famines of the past?
35.    What is economic decentralization?
36.    Given an account of Abd-al-Rehnans dramatic escape.
37.    What did Al-Hakim do to promote loaning Spain?

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