Important Questions for F.A Punjab Board (Poetry) Part 3

Q29: Justify the little of the poem? (Leisure)
The poem teaches us that life is full of worries. Man should have spare time to enjoy the beauty of nature. This is why the poet has given his poem title leisure.
Q30: What is the moral lesson of the poem (A tale of two cities)?
Peace is better than war. Whether it is peace or war, we should not go beyond a limit. We should observe human rights in all conditions
Q31: What does the night mail bring?

The night mail brings letters. cheques, money order and postal.
Q32: What does the poet tell about the gap in “O where are you going”?
He tells about the gap that proves itself a grave for the person who tries to cross it.
Q33: What has made the efforts of Muslims fruitless?
The lack of humanity had made the efforts of Muslims fruitless.
Q34: Why does W.H Davies hope to have a lovely sight after the rain?
He hopes after the rain that the sun comes out of the clouds. It would be looked brighter. The scene of the sunshine would be a source of pleasure.
Q35: What kind of man the Rider is?
Rider is a person who is bold, courageous, and ambitious to make his way through thick and thin.
Q36: What is the reaction of the birds at the arrival of the train?
On the arrival of the train the birds are flown away.
Q37: What do the poor and the rich leaves signify in the poem?
They signify the phenomena of nature and the hardships of the poor man.
Q38: Where from the Sindhi woman is passing through?
A Sindhi woman is passing through a bazaar with bare feet.
Q39: What is Easter?
Easter is an anniversary of the resurrection of Christ, observed on the first Sunday after a full moon.
Q40: Why does the poet compare the fruits with cannon balls?
The poet compares the fruits with cannon balls because there is war condition in his country.
Q41: What does the rider reply to the reader in the end?
In reply, the rider gives a clear message that the path of glory is paved with dangers but still it is worth treading.
Q42: What do the hollow men mean in the poem “The hollow men”?
Hollow men mean that they have no knowledge and wisdom. They depend upon one another.

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