Important Question (Part 3)

Q30:    How dose Kreton impress general powers?
Ans:    Kreton impresses General Power by reading his mind and telling him what he is thinking about destroying his spaceship.
Q31:    Compare and contrast the people of two planets. Or How much advanced is the civilization of Kreton than of the Earth?
Ans:    The people of the earth are very backward in science and technology as compared with the people of the other planet. The people of earth are only the initial stages.
Q32:    What did the girl do when her car ran out of gas?
Ans:    She took her flashlight and looked the car and started walking down the road.
Q33:    What is the significance of the storm in the play?
Ans:    Storm had made the play more horrible.
Q34:    What was the man dragging out of his car?
Ans:    The man was dragging out of his car a dead body of a girl.
Q35:    Why is Harry sitting in the barber’s chair?
Ans:    Harry is sitting in the barber’s chair to have a hair cut.
Q36:    What does Clay wants to put in the local newspaper?
Ans:    Clay wants to put an ad about his father’s lost in the local newspaper.
Q37:    Why does Clark Larrabee return? Or Why Clay’s father returns?
Ans:    Clark Larrabee reads the advertisement. When he knows that his family is worried, he decides to return.
Q38:    What kind of hair cut does Miss McCutcheon want?
 Ans:    Miss McCutcheon wants a poodle hair cut.
Q39:    Where does the play take place?
Ans:    The play takes place at Harry Van Dusen’s barbershop in O.K-by-the-sea.
Q40:    How much damaging is violence in life?
Ans:    Violence brings destruction. It destroys peace and order of a society. It brings sorrow and sufferings.

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