Book 1 (Short stories)
Book 1 Short stories (Part 1)
Specially written for intermediate student in punjab.
Q1: What were the feelings of the old man at the age of seventy?Ans: The old man wanted to work hard because he knows that his time was borrowed. He wanted to go back to the places he knew and loved.
Q2: Why didn’t Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones hand over the boy to police?
Ans: She did not hand over the boy to police because she wanted to make him a good boy and make him understand the difference between the right and wrong.
Q3: Why did Della sell her hair?
Ans: She sold her hair because she wanted to buy a good gift for Jim.
Q4: What had the doctors told the old man? Or what was the advice the doctor gave to the old man? Or What did a doctor tell Jess’ father to do?
Ans: Forty years ago doctor had told him not to work the length of a city black. He told him to get a taxi to take him home because of his weak heart. They also forbade him to work on his farm.
Q5: Why did the boy look to the sky and smile?
Ans: The boy looked at the sky and smiled because he was sure that the God Almighty will have mercy upon him.
Q6: Write the names of Abdul Barkat’s daughters?
Ans: He had three daughters i.e. Mehran, Zabda and Shamsun.
Q7: What did happen to the boy when he tried to snatch the purse of Mrs. Luella bates?
Ans: The boy lost his balance and fell down. His legs flew up. The woman reached there and held him tightly.
Q8: What was the behavior of the child with the doctor in the lesson “The Use of Force? Or Why did the parents rebuke her?
Ans: The girl behaved badly with the doctor. She attacked him and threw his glasses away.
Q9: What was the condition of the bettering family on hearing the news of war on earth?
Ans: When they heard this news, they became much disturbed. The mother held onto her husband and daughter. Laura started to weep bitterly.
Q10: What was the subject discussed at the club in “The Reward”?
Ans: The subject discussed at the club was opportunity and determination.
Q11: Why did the doctor call the sick girl by her first name?
Ans: The doctor called the sick girl by her first name to be friendly with her.
Q12: Why did Norma persuade her husband to agree with her ?
Ans: Norma persuaded her husband to agree with her because she was a greedy woman and wanted to get 50000$ to improve their life style.
Q13: Why did the old man take the steep path?
Ans: The old man took the steep path to show his son that he is still healthy. He also wanted to check his physical fitness.
Q14: How much dangerous a Martian virus can be?
Ans: A Martian virus can be very dangerous. It may change their identities and surroundings.
Q15: Why did the parents keep the sick child in the kitchen?
Ans: Sometime, it was very damp there. So, they had kept their daughter in the kitchen because it was warm.
Q16: Why did the quack come back to the camel-men?
Ans: The quack came back to the camel-men to learn the right way to cure goiter.
Q17: Why are the locusts compared with bad weather?
Ans: The locusts are compared with bad weather because of their devastation. Bad weather is a natural calamity that destroys crops. Same is the case with the locusts.
Q18: What should be the criterion of judgment for a person? “I Have a Dream”
Ans: A man should be judged by the qualities of his character and not by the color of his skin.
Q19: What does the author like about Christmas?
Ans: The most important thing the author like about Christmas Is that it makes everybody good and generous.
Q20: What was the wisdom is selling the most valuable things?
Ans: Love demands sacrifice. A love wants to see his/her beloved happy and pleased. Therefore, they sold the most valuable things.
Q21: What was inside the carton/package?
Ans: There was a push-button unit inside the package. A glass dome covered the button.
Q22: Why does Harry want to go back to earth?
Ans: Harry wanted to go back to earth because he found the Martians climate unfavorable and dangerous.
Q23: How did Gorgios persuade his people to make his country strong?
Ans: By telling them that they would create the post of court acrobat. He also told them this would create the post would strengthen their soldiers and they would be able to win the battles against the enemies of their country.
Q24: What did the quack do with the old woman?
Ans: He tied up the woman’s throat and struck the swollen part with much force.
Q25: What was the scene in the evening amid locusts?
Ans: The evening air was no longer black and thick but a clear blue. A few insects were whizzing about. However, trees, buildings, earth were covered with brown insects.
Q26: What is the dream of Martin Luther King?
Ans: The dream of Martian Luther King was to root out racial difference from the society and create equality and brotherhood among them with equal rights and freedom.
Q27: Why did not Jim welcome Della when he stepped in?
Ans: Jim did not welcome her because he was surprised to see her in short hair.
Q28: What did the Mr. Steward take out from his pocket when he sat in Norma’s chair?
Ans: Mr. Steward took out a small sealed envelope from his pocket.
Q29: What happened in the mars five years after?
Ans: Five years later a rocket fell out of the sky to rescue them.
Q30: Why did woman give him ten dollars? Or How much money did the woman give the boy? Or What did the woman say to the boy? Or What advice did the lady give to the boy?(Thank you M’am)
Ans: She gave him ten dollars to buy some blue suede shoes and advised him to behave himself in future.