F.A Book 11(Heroes)
1. Who did Mr.Somerwell teach the student of English?
2. Who did Christopher spend his time in El Golea?
3. How did filming start his early career?
4. How penicillin was discovered the treatment for the cattle disease Anthrax?
5. How did Pasteur show the way to did Mehmet try to regain Anatolia for him self?
6. What were the two problems which Mustafa Kamal faced to educate the people?
7. Why did not Churchill do well in examination?
8. Given an idea of the size of the Sahara?
9. Describe how Fleming discovered Penicillin?
10. How did Churchill do his Latin paper?
11. How did Pasture discover the method of making Mustafa Kamal?
12. Describe the early life of Pasture.
13. Why did Charchill call examination an inhospitable region?
14. How did Christopher develop interest for crossing the Sahara?
15. Why was the use of carbolic acid abandoned?
16. Why was the chief defect of antiseptic method?
17. Why did Fleming say about the laboratories in Detroit?
18. What does spontaneous generation mean?
19. What were the terms offered to Turkey by the Allies?
20. When was sultanate abolished?
21. Why did Churchill not do well in the examination?
22. Why had Christopher’s foster mother to do with his desire to see distant place?
23. What did the driver of the truck tell Christopher about three Englishmen who had attempted to cross the desert?
24. What are antiseptics?
25. Given two instances of patriotism?
26. Who was the Mustafa kamal?
27. Describe the reforms introduced by Mustafa kamal with reference to the position of women.
28. Who did Churchill perform in his entrance examination to Harrow?
29. What do you know about Robert Christopher?
30. Given an account of the early life of Fleming?
31. What do you mean by spontaneous generation?
32. Describe Mustafa Kamal economic reforms.
33. Who did Pasteur prove that spontaneous generation was not a fact?
34. Do you agree that Mustafa Kamal is founding of Turkey?
35. Why did Mehmat try to regain Anatolia for himself?
36. Why was Churchill place in the lowest division?
37. How did Christopher develop interest for the method of Sahara?
38. What is the method of making vaccines?
39. Why did the Turkish people reject the treaty?
40. Describe Mustafa Kamal economic reforms?
41. What was the outcome of Pakistan discoveries?
42. How did Fleming become famous?
43. Why was Churchill afraid of examination?
45. Why did Mehmet order Mustafa kamal to return to Istanbul?
46. Why was Fleming not proud of his discovery?
47. How did Mr.Somerwell teach English at Harrow?
48. What is the difference between aseptic and antiseptic methods?
49. What is spontaneous generation?
50. Why did the writer like EI Golea?
51. Describe me example of Pasteur’s patriotism.
52. Why was Churchill admitted to Harrow despite his poor performance?
53. What was the major problem during the warfare?
54. Was Fleming proud of his discovery?
55. How patriotic Pasteur was?
56. Why Mustafa was Kamal sent to Anatolia?
57. Why was Lysozyme was different form other problem did the French Academy offer a prize?
58. Why was Al-Hakam?
59. Why was Churchill name at the bottom in the school list?
60. Why is Professor Laude Blanangernor staying in Taman asset?
61. What was the benefit of Fleming’s achievement?
62. Describe the Rabies disease.
63. Describe Mustafa Kamal economic reforms.
64. How did Christopher manage to get water tromp the well at in Abbangarit?
65. Draw a brief character sketch of Churchill?
66. Water is vaccines and how did Pakistan discover them?
67. Whet was the attitude of the Turkish Government World War I?
68. why was Mustafa Kamal sent English?
69. What change did Mustafa bring in the field of education?
70. What are vaccines?
71. Why did Christopher and his companions kill the camel?
72. What is aseptic method?
73. Why did the plan of Mehmet fail to capture Mustafa Kamal?
74. What are Churchill views about the entry tests?
75. Discuss Mustafa kamal education reforms?
76. How did Robber Christopher start his journey from Boussaada?
77. Why does the writer prefer English to Latin and Greek?
78. When did Fleming get a share from Legacy?
79. What were the effects of silkworm disease?
80. How many year did Churchill spend on taking examination.
81. What did Churchill write on his paper?
82. What is the location of Sahara desert?
83. What was the most noticeable feature of the desert city, named Guardia?
84. What are antiseptics and what is the antiseptic method?
85. When Fleming was knighted and awarded noble prize?
2. Who did Christopher spend his time in El Golea?
3. How did filming start his early career?
4. How penicillin was discovered the treatment for the cattle disease Anthrax?
5. How did Pasteur show the way to did Mehmet try to regain Anatolia for him self?
6. What were the two problems which Mustafa Kamal faced to educate the people?
7. Why did not Churchill do well in examination?
8. Given an idea of the size of the Sahara?
9. Describe how Fleming discovered Penicillin?
10. How did Churchill do his Latin paper?
11. How did Pasture discover the method of making Mustafa Kamal?
12. Describe the early life of Pasture.
13. Why did Charchill call examination an inhospitable region?
14. How did Christopher develop interest for crossing the Sahara?
15. Why was the use of carbolic acid abandoned?
16. Why was the chief defect of antiseptic method?
17. Why did Fleming say about the laboratories in Detroit?
18. What does spontaneous generation mean?
19. What were the terms offered to Turkey by the Allies?
20. When was sultanate abolished?
21. Why did Churchill not do well in the examination?
22. Why had Christopher’s foster mother to do with his desire to see distant place?
23. What did the driver of the truck tell Christopher about three Englishmen who had attempted to cross the desert?
24. What are antiseptics?
25. Given two instances of patriotism?
26. Who was the Mustafa kamal?
27. Describe the reforms introduced by Mustafa kamal with reference to the position of women.
28. Who did Churchill perform in his entrance examination to Harrow?
29. What do you know about Robert Christopher?
30. Given an account of the early life of Fleming?
31. What do you mean by spontaneous generation?
32. Describe Mustafa Kamal economic reforms.
33. Who did Pasteur prove that spontaneous generation was not a fact?
34. Do you agree that Mustafa Kamal is founding of Turkey?
35. Why did Mehmat try to regain Anatolia for himself?
36. Why was Churchill place in the lowest division?
37. How did Christopher develop interest for the method of Sahara?
38. What is the method of making vaccines?
39. Why did the Turkish people reject the treaty?
40. Describe Mustafa Kamal economic reforms?
41. What was the outcome of Pakistan discoveries?
42. How did Fleming become famous?
43. Why was Churchill afraid of examination?
45. Why did Mehmet order Mustafa kamal to return to Istanbul?
46. Why was Fleming not proud of his discovery?
47. How did Mr.Somerwell teach English at Harrow?
48. What is the difference between aseptic and antiseptic methods?
49. What is spontaneous generation?
50. Why did the writer like EI Golea?
51. Describe me example of Pasteur’s patriotism.
52. Why was Churchill admitted to Harrow despite his poor performance?
53. What was the major problem during the warfare?
54. Was Fleming proud of his discovery?
55. How patriotic Pasteur was?
56. Why Mustafa was Kamal sent to Anatolia?
57. Why was Lysozyme was different form other problem did the French Academy offer a prize?
58. Why was Al-Hakam?
59. Why was Churchill name at the bottom in the school list?
60. Why is Professor Laude Blanangernor staying in Taman asset?
61. What was the benefit of Fleming’s achievement?
62. Describe the Rabies disease.
63. Describe Mustafa Kamal economic reforms.
64. How did Christopher manage to get water tromp the well at in Abbangarit?
65. Draw a brief character sketch of Churchill?
66. Water is vaccines and how did Pakistan discover them?
67. Whet was the attitude of the Turkish Government World War I?
68. why was Mustafa Kamal sent English?
69. What change did Mustafa bring in the field of education?
70. What are vaccines?
71. Why did Christopher and his companions kill the camel?
72. What is aseptic method?
73. Why did the plan of Mehmet fail to capture Mustafa Kamal?
74. What are Churchill views about the entry tests?
75. Discuss Mustafa kamal education reforms?
76. How did Robber Christopher start his journey from Boussaada?
77. Why does the writer prefer English to Latin and Greek?
78. When did Fleming get a share from Legacy?
79. What were the effects of silkworm disease?
80. How many year did Churchill spend on taking examination.
81. What did Churchill write on his paper?
82. What is the location of Sahara desert?
83. What was the most noticeable feature of the desert city, named Guardia?
84. What are antiseptics and what is the antiseptic method?
85. When Fleming was knighted and awarded noble prize?