Parts of Speech (Part 2)
It is always used after noun for which it is usedExample:
I, We, You, He, She, They, It
Interrogative Pronoun:
Pronouns that are used for asking questions. In other words, the pronouns which, besides standing for representing nouns, also ask questions, are called "Interrogative Pronoun"Example:
Who, Whose, Whom, Which, What, Why, When, Where
Relative Pronoun:
These pronouns do not only stand for represent nouns, but also join sentences, hence these are called "Relative or Conjunctive Pronouns."Example:
Who, Which, That, What
I beat the man who is drinking. I don't understand what you mean.
The Reflexive Pronoun:
A reflexive pronoun indicates that a person or persons does/do something. These are therefore called Reflexive Pronoun.Example:
Myself, Herself, Yourself etc
Demonstrative Pronoun:
These pronouns indicate the persons and things singly or in a separate group.Example:
Each, Every, Either, Neither
Indefinite Pronoun:
An indefinite pronoun points or refers to a person or thing in a general and not to a particular sense.
One, None, Some, Everybody, Nobody, Someone, Something, Anything etc.
Rules of using pronouns:
Rule No 1:. The indifinite pronoun "One" should be followed by the possessive pronoun "One's" and not by the possessive pronoun "his".Rule No 2:. A pronoun must agree in number, person or gender with the noun to which it follows.
Rule No3:. Pronouns following the conjunctive words "Than" and "As" are used in the nominative case such as "I, We, You, He, She".
Rule No 4:. The pronoun are not omitted after the transitive verbs that is the verbs after which the object can take place.