Parts of Speech (Part 2)

It is always used after noun for which it is used
I, We, You, He, She, They, It
Interrogative Pronoun:
Pronouns that are used for asking questions. In other words, the pronouns which, besides standing for representing nouns, also ask questions, are called "Interrogative Pronoun"
Who, Whose, Whom, Which, What, Why, When, Where
Relative Pronoun:
These pronouns do not only stand for represent nouns, but also join sentences, hence these are called "Relative or Conjunctive Pronouns."
Who, Which, That, What
I beat the man who is drinking. I don't understand what you mean. 
The Reflexive Pronoun:
A reflexive pronoun indicates that a person or persons does/do something. These are therefore called Reflexive Pronoun.
Myself, Herself, Yourself etc
Demonstrative Pronoun:
These pronouns indicate the persons and things singly or in a separate group.
Each, Every, Either, Neither
Indefinite Pronoun:
An indefinite pronoun points or refers to a person or thing in a general and not to a particular sense.
One, None, Some, Everybody, Nobody, Someone, Something, Anything etc.
Rules of using pronouns:
Rule No 1:. The indifinite pronoun "One" should be followed by the possessive pronoun "One's" and not by the possessive pronoun "his".
Rule No 2:. A pronoun must agree in number, person or gender with the noun to which it follows.
Rule No3:.  Pronouns following the conjunctive words "Than" and "As" are used in the nominative case such as "I, We, You, He, She".
Rule No 4:.  The pronoun are not omitted after the transitive verbs that is the verbs after which the object can take place.

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