Terrorist Activities in Pakistan

Terrorist Activities in Pakistan
      Causes of Terrorism:   
  Terrorist activities in Pakistan           
a.    Terrorism means the use of force, or aggression against person, groups, or governments.
b.    The aim of terrorism is to create dread and alarm in the masses.
c.    Terrorism has been an old activity.
Terrorism in Modern Age:
a.        In the modern age, terrorist groups are trained by                                                                                                                                                government, special agencies and secret services.
b.        These terrorists disrupt the normal life of every country.
How Terrorism is Committed?
a.    Now a days the terrorist use sophisticated weapons like bombs and poisonous gas to destroy the life and property of the people.
b.     In the coming century, the use of chemical and nuclear weapons by the terrorist organization cannot be ruled out.
  Causes of Terrorism:
     Terrorist acts are committed due to the following reasons:-
a.    Religious differences.
b.    To get liberation from cruel rulers.
c.    To destabilize the rival government.
   Terrorist activities in Pakistan
a.    The terrorist activities in Pakistan are backed by Indian secret services RAW and Israel’s secret services MOSSAD.
b.    The rival religious groups are aided by hostile countries.
a.    Te religious differences should be controlled by the lemmas and by the mass media.
b.    Strict security measures should be adopted.
c.    The illegal flow of arms and money should be controlled.
d.    The secret services and various agencies of Pakistan should work in-coordination with one another.
Definition: What is Terrorism?
        Terrorist means the use of force or aggression against a person, groups or governments. The aims of such a destructive activity is to create fear and alarm in the messes. Terrorism is not a modern activity. It has been going on in the world for a very long time. In the past, the societies were not organized. However in the old world, the robbers and dacoits waylaid people during their journey and robbed them of their belongings and deprived the weak of their life. But now the terrorist activity has changed. It has become an organized activity.
Terrorist in Modern age:
        In the modern age, terrorist groups have emerged which train people for the destructive activities. Now a day, the terrorist organizations are financially helped and aided by the secret services of different governments. The hostile neighbors train the terrorists and send them for the destructive activities. They create dread and alarm in the people and try to destabilize the government.
How Terrorist is committed:
        A regular terrorist organization usually works against the government. Its main object is to create disorder and anarchy in the country. The forces of law and order are weakened. The government cannot pay proper attention to build the nation and look after the welfare of its people. Most of their attention is diverted to curb the terrorists. Now a day, terrorists use modern destructive weapons to destroy the buildings, offices and public places like railway stations and airports. They implant bomb and cause a great loss to public property and life.
Causes of Terrorist:
    Terrorist acts are committed for various reasons. Some terrorist groups support a particular political philosophy. Other terrorist organizations fight against the government to get liberation on the ethnic basis. Dictators use violence to frighten or eliminate their opponents.
        In Pakistan, the terrorist activities go on in a planned and organized manner. The reasons for their activities are quite obvious. The terrorists in Pakistan create violence, commit murder, implant bombs at public places, and kidnap people for ransom due to the following reasons.
1.    In Pakistan, certain groups kill one another on the basis of religious differences. They are financially backed and aided by foreign countries and anti-Pakistan secret services like RAW and MOSSAD.
2.    The terrorist activities are committed in certain parts of Pakistan on the basis of linguistic or ethnic differences. There are political organizations which are established on the ethnic or linguistic. They murder, kill or kidnap people from the rival or opposite groups. 
3.    India has always tried to destabilize the political and economic stability of Pakistan. Its secret services RAW works in coordination with the Israel secret service MOSSAD and disrupts the normal life of the country through its agents. They create anarchy in the country by blasting bombs at different public places.
Terrorist Activities in Pakistan
        During the last many years, Pakistan has become a favorite place for the terrorist to execute their destructive activities. In the preceding year, the mosques, imam Bargahs, the places of worship and religious centers have innocent men, women and children were killed. During the year 1998, more than seventeen hundred persons had been killed in Punjab and more than five hundred citizens were killed in Karachi. The terrorist activities seem to have become the routine matter in the country.

    Terrorist needs to be checked carefully. The government should force all the people leave the country who are illegally present. It should make arrangements to shop the illegal flow of arms and money, into the country from abroad. All the secret services of Pakistan should work in coordination with one another and try their utmost to detect and identify the terrorists.


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