Use of Lest and should in English Grammar
The use of LEST and SHOULD in English Grammar
Lest is a conjunction that is used in English Grammar when we want to prevent something from happening.
The following rules must be kept in mind for using Lest in English Grammar:
The use of not is prohibited after Lest because the meaning of Lest is “It happened not”
For example:
Get ready, lest we should get late.
Speak softly, lest any one should listen you.
Don’t ask him, lest he should mind.
Remind him, lest he should forget.
Don’t drive here, lest car tyre should flat.
Tail this year, lest you should plunk once again.
Don’t sit with him, lest he should spoil you.
Don’t run this risk, lest you should stuck.
Be brave, lest he should beat you up.
Don’t count on cheating, lest examiner should catch you.
Don’t blabber, lest he should get you out.
Come out of the room, lest should get annoyed.
Don’t take perish food, lest you should fall sick.
Lest is a conjunction that is used in English Grammar when we want to prevent something from happening.
The following rules must be kept in mind for using Lest in English Grammar:
The use of not is prohibited after Lest because the meaning of Lest is “It happened not”
For example:
Get ready, lest we should get late.
Speak softly, lest any one should listen you.
Don’t ask him, lest he should mind.
Remind him, lest he should forget.
Don’t drive here, lest car tyre should flat.
Tail this year, lest you should plunk once again.
Don’t sit with him, lest he should spoil you.
Don’t run this risk, lest you should stuck.
Be brave, lest he should beat you up.
Don’t count on cheating, lest examiner should catch you.
Don’t blabber, lest he should get you out.
Come out of the room, lest should get annoyed.
Don’t take perish food, lest you should fall sick.