Student essay: Woman’s Place in Society

Student essay:    Woman’s Place in Society

1.    In the past, women did not enjoy many rights. They were expected to limit their activities to the kitchen.
2.    Now women are conscious of their rights as citizen and consider themselves equal to men in every field of life.
3.    They have proved their worth in every field of life. Now they cannot be kept as slaves in the house.
4.    She is biologically different from man. Her main function is to produce and look after children.
5.    Our religion Islam is not against the education of women. It does not forbid them from taking part in the social activities of life.
In the past, women were looked upon as slaves. Her main profession was to obey and entertain her husband. As Ruskin puts it. It is in his heart that she is queen. Up-to the 19th century, it was though that marriage and home life were the best outlets for a women’s energies. Thus a women’s activities were confined to the kitchen and they nursery. Towards the end of the 19th century, there came the revolt of women.
    Literature of 19th century made them conscious of their duties and privileges. Education more than anything else was responsible for the emancipation of women. With education came the realization that she could not do want man had done. She made a great demand for the right to vote. She succeeded in it. At present a number of women are members of the parliament. To day, women are working as typists in offices, telephone operators, teachers, doctors and want not. In Russia Japan, they were trained as soldiers to serve in the Second World War. Even in Pakistan, we have women athlete, writers, leaders and administrators.
    However, there is a group of thinkers who believe that women should not take part in the social and cultural activities of the country. They believe that men is for the sword and women for the needle, man to command and women to obey. Their judgement is based on prejudice and it is one sided. The real danger is that women are making a wrong use of their emancipation. They are trying to imitate man in everything. With the result, that they are losing their essential womanhood. They are losing sight of the fact that delicacy and modesty are two of their finest virtues. Without them, they would be simply apology for man.
 Let us discuss the problem in the light of human psychology. Woman are different from men in their bodily form and constitution. It is her sacred duty to produce children and look after them. Not only this but she has also to build a nation of morally sound people. She has to play role of a teacher for her children. The holy prophet has said Paradise line under the feet of a mother. This show that is Islam a women enjoys great status. Her rights are equal with men, but her duties are different. Napoleon once said gives me good mothers and I shall give you a good nation. This means that morally good mothers build a nation of brave and strong people.
    Islam does not prohibit women to do jobs. Women can do any job provided they do it within the framework of Islam. Women become doctors and nurses in hospitals. They can also become teachers, typists, clerk and receptionists. The women should do a job when they are actually in need of it. They should first of all look after their children and make them good citizens. However, in case of dire necessity, she can take part in the social and cultural activities.    


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