Important Questions (Plays) Part 1

Q1:    Why couldn’t the girl describe the killer?
Ans:    She couldn’t describe the killer because she had not seen him clearly.
Q2:    How much does Harry charge of hair-cut?
Ans:    The regular price is a dollar but he generally takes a half or a quarter.
Q3:    What was the circumstance that forced the girl to leave her car?
Ans:    She had to leave her car on the road because her car had run out of gas.
Q4:    Who buys the oyster? How much does he pay?
Ans:    The writer buys the oyster. He pays three hundred dollars for it.
Q5:    Did the girl become suspicious of the first man as the play progresses?
Ans:    NO, the girl did not become suspicious of the first man as the play progresses.
Q6:    What is Harry’s Philosophy?
Ans:    Harry philosophy is a way to live life with relaxation and repose.
Q7:    What was the condition of the weather in the play “Heat lightning”?
Ans:    The weather was stormy. There were flashes of lightning and thunder.
Q8:    What is the role of the General Power in the play “A visit to a Small planet”?
Ans:    General Power is a very important and vigorous member of the nation guard. He considers Kreton a threat to his country so he treats him harshly.
Q9:    What was the appearance of the second man?
Ans:    He was a nondescript sort of person, tall, nice-looking and about thirty years of age.
Q10:    What is the scene of the play ‘Heart lightning’?
Ans:    The scene takes place in drab interior of a bus station situated along a deserted road.
There is rain, lightening and thunder outside.
Q11:    What did the girl see when she reaches nears the car? Or What did the girl see along the road while walking?
Ans:    When she went near car, she saw a man pulling the dead body of a girl out the front door of the car.
Q12:    How much advance is the civilization of kreton than that of earth?
Ans:    The civilization of Kreton planet is hundred years advance then that of the earth.
Q13:    What is the theme of the study of Kreton?
Ans:    The theme of the study of Kreton is civilization and life of the people on the earth.
Q14:    How does Harry describe the inhabitants of O.K. by-the-sea?
Ans:    He says that the people of O.K. by-the-sea are very poor. Some people get job for a couple of months.
Q15:    Why did Clay’s father leave home? Or What has happened to Clay’s father?
Ans:    Clay’s father leaves his house without informing any body after quarreling with his wife. One month has passed but he has not come back.
Q16:    How did girl recognize the man to be the murderer? Or Why did the girl realize the truth?
Ans:    She recognized the man\truth by seeing her flash light

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