Parts of speech (part 1)
Parts of speech are as blow.
(1)Nouns (2)Pronouns (3)Verbs (4)Adverbs (5)Adjectives (6)Prepositions (7)Conjunctions (8) Articles (9)InterjectionsNoun:.
A noun identifies a person, place or a thing.
John, Aslam, Amjad, Japan, London, Pakistan, Computer, Mobile etc.
Kinds of Noun:
(1)Common Noun (2)Proper Noun (3)Material Noun (4)Collective Noun (5)Abstract Noun(1) Common Noun:
A common noun stands for general person, place or thing.
Girl, Man, Cat, River, School, Pen, Book etc.
(2) Proper Noun:
It stands for a particular person, place or a thing.Examples:
William, Shakespeare, Lahore, Karachi,
(3) Material Noun:
It indicates the matter or substance out of which things are made.Examples:
Gold, Silver, Rice, Honey, Milk etc.
(4) Collective Noun:
Collective noun is a word used to define a group of objects.Examples:
Army, Nation, People, Council etc.
(5) Abstract Noun:
It is defines a specific quality, state or action of some person or a thing.Examples:
Truth, Hypocrisy, Youth, Delight, Struggle, Movement etc