
Showing posts from March, 2011

Insurance Series (For B.COM)

ADVANTAGE OF INSURANCE              The following are the advantage available to different groups. 1.       Advantages to public The general public enjoys the following advantages from the insurance: a).       Saving: Life insurance is a means of saving. It persuades the policyholder to save money. The people make the arrangements for the premium even reducing their expenses to avoid the lapse of insurance policy .In this way, the saving leads toward large amount, which can be used for personal purpose. b).     Financial Support: Life insurance is a good means to make provision for the old age. The amount received from insurance company will be helpful to support him and his family. c)      Availability of loans: The life insurance policy can be used as security against loan. The people can get the loans from the banks a...

Health Series (For madical Students)

Treatment Choices If a person is told that he has cancer, even if it is a small slow growing one, it may cause a lot of worry and stress. He may insist on having it removed. Or his doctor may urge him or recommend that it be removed or treated. The doctor may be overly cautious and might worry that he could be sued later if the cancer proves dangerous and kills the man. Or the doctor may need to pay some bills. You may not believe this but there are a few unethica1 doctors who don't hesitate to do operations that may not be absolutely necessary. An unnecessary prostatectomy or radiation performed on a small slow growing or indolent tumor may cause more damage to the person than the cancer. It is a major operation that can be quite traumatic and will have a serious impact on his quality of life. If the doctor is not an expert at removing the prostate, it can leave the patient with urinary incontinence and sexual impotence. However, even if the person is impotent and cannot get ...

The Nature of Insurance (For B.Com )

Introduction: . The law of insurance is contained in the Insurance Ordinance 2000. It extends to the whole of Pakistan. The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan will implement this law. What is the definition of insurance? Insurance is a means to spread the loss caused by particular risk over a number of people against some amount called premium. Insurance creates a fund under which many persons contribute some money called the premium out of which the persons who suffer losses are compensated. Definition of Contract of Insurance A contract of insurance is a contract in which one party undertakes against premium to pay to the other party a certain amount on the happening of a certain event. A contract of insurance is a conditional contract. The general principles of the law of contract apply to it. It is a valid contract. It comes into existence by the offer in the form of proposal and its acceptance. The object of the contract must not be immoral or illegal. Definitio...

How Cancer May Start ?

How Cancer May Start ? Our bodies are made up of several hundred trillion separate individual living cells. (A trillion is 1,000,000,000,000). Most of the cells are so small that thousands of them could fit in the space occupied by the period at the end of this sentence. Examples of cells are the skin cells, muscle cells, nerve cells and others. These various cells form tissues, glands, organs and systems. Each cell, gland and organ has a purpose and a function. They all work together to form a complete system that sustains us and keeps us alive. All of these different cells are derived from the first complete cell that was formed from the sperm and the ovum. The sperm and the ovum each contributed 23 chromosomes to make the complete cell with 46 chromosomes. Each of the cells in our bodies, whether prostate, liver or lung each have copies of the original 46 chromosomes. Occasionally some of the cells wear out, are damaged, or for some reason die off. Even the cells in a young baby m...


Importance of carbon: 1.   Basic elements: Carbon is the basic element of organic compounds. Due to its unique properties carbon occupies the central position in the skeleton of life.  2.   Tetravalent:  Carbon is tetravalent. It can react with many other known elements forming covalent bonds. 3.   Give a stable configuration When a carbon atom combines with four atoms or radicals the four bounds are arranged symmetrically in a tetrahedron and result to give a stable configuration. The stability associated with the tetravalency of carbon atoms makes it a favorable elements for the synthesis of complicated cellular structures. 4.   C-C Bonds: Carbon atoms can also combine mutually forming stable branched or unbranched chains or rings. This ability of carbon is responsible for the vast variety of organic compounds. C-C bonds form a skeleton of organic molecules as shoe in Fig. Fig. Unbranched and branched chains and ring structure fo...

Health Note Series

Cancer Prevention (For medical students) We still don't know all of the factors involved in the causes of cancer. Of course you need to avoid the known carcinogens. Until we fully understand the causes of cancer, it is difficult to completely prevent it. That is especially so for prostate cancer. A dietary study of 47,000 men over a six year period, done at Harvard, was published in the Dec. 1995 Journal of the National Institute. It showed that men who eat at least ten servings a week of tomatoes or tomato based foods such as pizza and spaghetti sauce were 45% less likely to develop prostate cancer. According to this study, most Italian men should have less prostate cancer. Some studies have linked high animal fats to breast and prostate cancer. Testosterone levels may also be suspect in the cause of prostate cancer. The oriental men usually have a fairly low level compared to Caucasians. Black men usually have a very high level. We know that prostate cancer is dependent on t...

Cancer Research

Chapter # 1 (Notes For Medical Students)   What Is Cancer? Cancer is a disease. In which a group of cells display uncontrolled growth and causes to destroy adjacent tissues of body. According to an article in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute for April 17,1996, (Page 496505), there will be 1,359,000 cases of cancer, of all types, diagnosed this year. The article says that 80 percent of these cancers are preventable because they are due to four major factors: (1) Lifestyle, which includes smoking, diet and infectious agents; (2) Workplace which includes chemicals, fibers and radiation; (3) General Environmental contaminants in air, water and food; (4) Clinical and other medications and radiation. All of these factors combine with the patients age, gender, ethnicity, genetics, nutrition, immune function and any preexisting disease to cause cancer. Frederica P. Perea wrote an article for the May 1996 issue of Scientific American Magazine titled Uncovering New Clues to Ca...


Question:.  What is Biochemistry? What is the significance of biochemistry? Answer:.   Definition of Biochemistry Biochemistry is a branch of biology which deals with the study of chemical components and the chemical process taking place in living organisms. Significance of Biochemistry :. A basic knowledge of biochemistry is helpful in understanding anatomy and physiology because all of the structures of an organism have biochemical organization. The processes like photosynthesis biochemical terms. Question:.   What are the major types of chemical compounds found in the living organisms? Answer:.       Types of chemical compounds All living things are composed of certain chemical compounds which ate of two types: 1.      Organic Compounds Most important organic compounds in living organisms are carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids. 2.      Inorganic Compounds Most i...

Parts of Speech (Part 2)

Pronoun: It is always used after noun for which it is used Example: I, We, You, He, She, They, It Interrogative Pronoun: Pronouns that are used for asking questions. In other words, the pronouns which, besides standing for representing nouns, also ask questions, are called "Interrogative Pronoun" Example: Who, Whose, Whom, Which, What, Why, When, Where Relative Pronoun: These pronouns do not only stand for represent nouns, but also join sentences, hence these are called "Relative or Conjunctive Pronouns." Example: Who, Which, That, What I beat the man who is drinking. I don't understand what you mean.  The Reflexive Pronoun: A reflexive pronoun indicates that a person or persons does/do something. These are therefore called Reflexive Pronoun. Example: Myself, Herself, Yourself etc Demonstrative Pronoun: These pronouns indicate the persons and things singly or in a separate group. Example: Each, Every, Either, Neither Indefinite Pronoun: An indef...

Book 1 (Short stories)

Book 1 Short stories (Part 1) Specially written for intermediate student in punjab.   Q1:    What were the feelings of the old man at the age of seventy? Ans:    The old man wanted to work hard because he knows that his time was borrowed. He wanted to go back to the places he knew and loved. Q2:    Why didn’t Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones hand over the boy to police? Ans:    She did not hand over the boy to police because she wanted to make him a good boy and make him understand the difference between the right and wrong. Q3:    Why did Della sell her hair? Ans:    She sold her hair because she wanted to buy a good gift for Jim. Q4:    What had the doctors told the old man? Or what was the advice the doctor gave to the old man? Or What did a doctor tell Jess’ father to do? Ans:    Forty years ago doctor had told him not to work the length of a city b...

Parts of speech (part 1)

Parts of speech are as blow . (1)Nouns  (2)Pronouns  (3)Verbs  (4)Adverbs   (5)Adjectives  (6)Prepositions  (7)Conjunctions  (8) Articles (9)Interjections Noun: . A noun identifies a person, place or a thing. Examples: John, Aslam, Amjad, Japan, London, Pakistan, Computer,  Mobile etc. Kinds of Noun: (1)Common Noun   (2)Proper Noun    (3)Material Noun   (4)Collective Noun   (5)Abstract Noun (1) Common Noun: A common noun stands for general person, place or thing. Examples: Girl, Man, Cat, River, School, Pen, Book etc. (2) Proper Noun: It stands for a particular person, place or a thing. Examples: William, Shakespeare, Lahore, Karachi,  (3) Material Noun: It indicates the matter or substance out of which things are made. Examples: Gold, Silver, Rice, Honey, Milk etc. (4) Collective Noun: Collective noun is a word used to define a group of objects. Examples: Army, Nation, Peopl...

Important Question (Part 3)

Q30:    How dose Kreton impress general powers? Ans:    Kreton impresses General Power by reading his mind and telling him what he is thinking about destroying his spaceship. Q31:    Compare and contrast the people of two planets. Or How much advanced is the civilization of Kreton than of the Earth? Ans:    The people of the earth are very backward in science and technology as compared with the people of the other planet. The people of earth are only the initial stages. Q32:    What did the girl do when her car ran out of gas? Ans:    She took her flashlight and looked the car and started walking down the road. Q33:    What is the significance of the storm in the play? Ans:    Storm had made the play more horrible. Q34:    What was the man dragging out of his car? Ans:    The man was dragging out of his car a dead body of a girl. Q35:...

F.A Book 11(Heroes)

1.     Who did Mr.Somerwell teach the student of English? 2.     Who did Christopher spend his time in El Golea? 3.     How did filming start his early career? 4.     How penicillin was discovered the treatment for the cattle disease Anthrax? 5.     How did Pasteur show the way to did Mehmet try to regain Anatolia for him self? 6.     What were the two problems which Mustafa Kamal faced to educate the people? 7.     Why did not Churchill do well in examination? 8.     Given an idea of the size of the Sahara? 9.     Describe how Fleming discovered Penicillin? 10.    How did Churchill do his Latin paper? 11.    How did Pasture discover the method of making Mustafa Kamal? 12.    Describe the early life of Pasture. 13.    Why did Charchill call examination a...