F.A Important Essays
My Hero in History
My Favorite Poet
The Person Which I Like Most
Hero is a man of outstanding character and matchless genius. He must be a man of unique qualities. Thought the Muslims history is full of great men my hero in history is Allama Muhammad Iqbal .I thing he is really a man worthy of the title Hero.
Allama Muhammad is our nation poet he was born in Sialkot. After completing his primary education, he came to Lahore for learning, at that time the English were the rulers of India. They were very cunning. They did like the Muslims. They tried their best to keep the Muslims backward and ignorant. Iqbal who was a great well-wisher of the Muslims tried to awaken the Muslims from their sleep of ignorance through his poetry. He wrote a number of poems and verses to make the Muslims. It was a great Muslims poet. The purpose of the poetry was to teach the Muslims. What they had forgotten. It was a lesson of their golden tradition and matchless achievement. He wrote his poetry to urge the Muslims to break the chain of lavery.his poetry’s a permanent source of joy inspiration for the Muslims. It is full of national felling and sentiments. The poetry of Iqbal places him high among the stars in the sky of immortal fame. He wrote poetry both in Urdu and Persian. Much reference to the holy Quran can be found in his poetry. Some critics go even to the extent that his poetry is the true explanation of the holy Quran. It elevates as spiritually and morally. In this age when the Muslims are being in insulted and crushed throughout the world, it is necessary that we should get guidance and inspiration from his poetry is not for one time. It is for everyone and for every age. What a perfect Code of ethic and morality his poetry is, many Muslims of today read his poetry and get to gain their golden past.
My hobby
Today men live in a world where struggle and effort is necessary for survival. He has to toil from dawn to dusk. Physical and mental exertion leaves him utterly exhausted and inverted after the whole days work. The constant drudgery of daily routine life rusts his talon and efficiency. He needs some pleasant activity to lighten this burden of monotony. He needs leisure and idle hours to sooths his perturbed felling and troubled soul. Different people do different things to this effect. Thought there are various thing Idol at the moments of leisure but the thing that attracts all of my attention is gardening franc’s bacons in his essay of Garden says God almighty first planted a garden And in his essay of Garden says God almighty first planted .and, indeed, it is the purest of human pleasures. Thus this hobby of mine is an ultimate source of pleasure and joy for me hobby is an activity that one does at spare time for the sheer shake of delight and lethargic and lazy body. Therefore, hobby is a felicitation activity to refresh body and brain. I live in a big city where life is too much mechanical, dull and dreary. it is void of peace serenity clam and quiet. I often desire to do some recreational activity to get of my house and a garden at the back of many houses. In the garden, I have planted mango, orange and banana tree. There, I grow flowers they prudent s bright, colorful sad the thick mistletoes covering the front wall of my house enhance the beauty of my house and add colors to the surroundings up to four feet. The trunks of the tree have been white-washed approximately up to feet. Green leaves, fluttering and dancing in the breeze and the happy boughs that eye. A shed…..does not leave nor ever bid the spring alien impart a soothing effect to the eyes.-I daily devote two hours for the maintenance of the beauty and loveliness of my grandee. I daily dig the beds. Sprinkle water over tree and plants and sometime apply manure to the plants to enrich the growth of garden. I have also placed flowerpots on both sides of the gate and along the wall. These are properly in all respects and I love to work and sit there, it has my house a haven of serenity and tranquility: