F.A Guess Paper for Intermediate

English Guess for F.A Part 2 for Punjab boards
What happened when, according to Sir James Jeans, wander star, wandering through space, came neat the sun? Or What happened when the wandering star came neater and nearer? Or What are planets and how did they come into existence?
Why is there no life on the stars?
Write a note on the beginning of life on the stars.
How has the scientific method helped us in our fight against disease?
How has the scientific method brought about revolution in our life?
How has the scientific method helped us in the production and preservation of foods?
How has the scientific method enabled us to get over the old fears?
What part of astrology play in the lives of men and women in the past?
What are the main causes of failure of students at college level?
What is a mistaken ambition and how does it lead to the failure of the boys?
How does financial pressure lead to the failure of students?
What was Daiches' attitude towards the week-end as a school boy? Or Why Daiches like holidays?
What was Daiches general view of school life?
How did Daiches spend his summer holidays?
What did Daiches do with his pocket money?
What sort of books were presented by the British public to soldiers?
Why should the bad books be destroyed?
Why is it difficult to destroy books?
How did Jerome K. Jerome come to suspect that his liver was out of order?
Why did Jerome go to the British Museum?
What was the disease Jerome K. Jerome discovered he did not has?
Good bye Mr. Chips Guess Questions
  1. Write a note on Brook field.
  2. Brook field was a grammar school. If was situated in beautiful fenland and established in the reign of Queen Elisabeth. It was a famous school like Eton or Harrow.
  3. What contribution did brook field make to England?
  4. Brook field contributed a lot to England. It produced history making men administrator’s pees and bishop.
  5. What influence did Katherine Bridges exercise on Mr. Chips?
  6. Katherine Bridges a good influenced on Mr. Chips .she made him a new man. She improved his discipline and humor before Marriage he was a dry person but after marriage he became lively person.
  7. Describe the first encounter between Mr. Chips and Katherine bridges.
  8. Mr. Chips and Katherine bridges met first time in lake District where Mr. Chips was spending his holidays. First time he saw Katherine standing on a dangerous rook. He make her to be in dangerous ran to help her slipped and injured himself. That was their first economic.
  9. Describe the quarrel between Ralston and Chips?
  10. Mr. Ralston was a science graduate. He did not like Mr. Chips because according to him premonition was out of date .he was disopentient and his discipline is not good. He wanted chips to resign, so a quarrel broke out between them.
  11. Write a note Mr. Chip’s humor.
  12. Before Marriage, Mr. Chips was a rough and dry person. But after marriage, his sense of humor developed. The boys looked forward to the latest jokes from him. Person did not laugh at him, but with at his remarks.
  13. Can we look upon MR. Chips as an institution of brook field?
  14. Draw skeet of Katherine bridges?
  15. Katherine bridges were a beautiful girl of five when she met Mr. Chips she had blue flashing eyes and freckled checks. She had brown hair. She had radical ideas she expressed a happy influence on Mr. Chips.
  16. Write a note on views and ideas on Katherine bridges?
  17. Who was wetherby?
  18. MR.wetherby was the headmaster of brook field. He advised MR. chips on his appointment to improve discipline and give enthusiasm to brook field. He was father and polite person.
  19. Who was Ralston?
  20. MR. Ralston was the headmaster of brook field .he was graduate and wanted to run brook field like a factory .he was ambitions, Ruthless and strict person.
  21. Who were marvels?
  22. MR.merivales was the doctor of MR. Chips .he fortnight visited chips. He said to chips that be was a fit and healthy person.
To Be Continued 

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