Discovery of Human Viruses

What are viruses? Give a brief history of discovery of viruses?
Ans. Viruses (L.virus, poison) at the time of Louis Pasture (1822-1895) and Robert Koch (1843-1910) the word “virus”was generally referred to as a poison associated with disease and death. The present notion of virus is entirely different.

Now viruses are recognized as particles of nucleic acid often with a protein coat. They replicate in living cells and cause many diseases such as influenza, mumps, measles, hepatitis, smallpox and AIDS.
The breach of science which dead with the study of virus is known as virology
Defining virus
The word virus is derive from Latin word venom meaning poisonous fluid. Viruses can be defined as non cellular infectious entities which contain either RNA or DNA normally encased in protectiveness coat and reproduced only in living sells, viruses utilize the bio synthetic machinery of their host for their multiplication and then transmit themselves efficiently to other cells.
 Contribution of Jenner
Some viral diseases have been known for centuries. In fact the first infectious die sis again which effective effective method of presentation was first developed was a viral disease. In 1796 Edward Jenner first vaccinated an 8 year old boy with material removed from cowpox lesion on the hand of milkmaid .after six year weeks
 The boy was inoculated with pus from a small pox victim but he did not develop the disease, later Jenner used material for vaccination from cowpox lesions and successfully vaccinated 23 persons, as the material he used was obtained from cow (Latin vacca) later the term vaccination was used by Louis Pasteur fro inoculation against diseases. 
Contribution of Chamber Land

In 1884, Charles Chamber Land, observed that bacteria can not pass through porcelain filters
Contribution of Ivanowsky
In 1892 diametric invanowsky discovered that the agent who caused tobacco mosaic disease was filterable. He obtained bacteria free filtrate from ground up infected plants and placed it on health leaved of tobacco. He found that filtrate produced the disease in health plants.

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