English Grammar: The Use of Can and Could in English Language

The Use of can and could:
Use of "Can"
In English grammar use of can is very popular and it is a modal or helping verb that shows the ability, opportunity or a possibility.
Structure: Affirmative
Subject + [can + 1st form of the verb] + Object
We can struggle down to dusk for the progress of our country.
One can create a blog via blog spot very easily.
You can give up smoking for good.
People can make a chat by facebook.
We can learn English grammar from paradiseedu.blogspot.com.
Structure: Negative

Subject + [can not+ 1st form of the verb] + Object
We can not avoid from the customs and traditions of the society.
One can not live from hand to mouth in the modern age.
You can not give up smoking for good.
People can not make a chat by Amazon site.
We can learn English grammar from an Urdu website.
Structure: Interrogative

Can + subject + [1st form of the verb] + Object
 Can you help me in this matter?
Can our president listen the problems of public?
Can they make their brother understand?
Can I get this job by the dint of my ability?
Can you learn English grammar without making any effort?
Use of "Could"
The past form of "Can" is "Could". It is also shows the ability and possibility on someone.

Structure: Affirmative

Subject + [could + 1st form of the verb] + Object
We could listen a song in the party.
every one could create a blog via blog spot very easily.
You could help me in a fix.
People could understand my conversation.
We could learn English grammar from paradiseedu.blogspot.com.
Structure: Negative

Subject + [could not+ 1st form of the verb] + Object
We could not avoid from the customs and traditions of the society.

One could not live from hand to mouth in the modern age.

People could not understand my conversation.
People could not make a chat.
We could not learn English grammar from an Urdu website.
Structure: Interrogative

Can + subject + [1st form of the verb] + Object
Could you help me in this matter?
Could our president listen the problems of public?

Could they make their brother understand?
Could I get this job by the dint of my ability?
Could you learn English grammar without making any effort?

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