
Showing posts from May, 2011

English Grammar: The Use of Can and Could in English Language

T h e U s e o f c a n a n d c o u l d : U s e o f " C a n " In English grammar use of can is very popular and it is a modal or helping verb that shows the ability, opportunity or a possibility. Structure: Affirmative Subject + [can + 1st form of the verb] + Object Examples: We can struggle down to dusk for the progress of our country. One can create a blog via blog spot very easily. You can give up smoking for good. People can make a chat by facebook. We can learn English grammar from Structure: Negative Subject + [can not+ 1st form of the verb] + Object Examples: We can not avoid from the customs and traditions of the society. One can not live from hand to mouth in the modern age. You can not give up smoking for good. People can not make a chat by Amazon site. We can learn English grammar from an Urdu website. Structure: Interrogative Can + subject + [1st form of the verb] + Object Examples:  Can you help me in this matter?...

English Grammar: The Use of Should in English Language

   Should is an auxiliary verb in English grammar and we may  use should for the following reasons:   To give an advice or a suggestion   To tell someone  about his duty or obligation   Affirmative Statement    Structure:   Subject + [should + 1st form of verb] + Object   Examples:   We should respect our parents.   People should work together for the progress of their country.   President Obama should take interest in the public affairs.   Police should arrest the criminals red handed.   You should work down to dusk for your new business.   Negative :   Subject + [should not + 1st form of verb] + Object   We should not respect our parents.   People should not work together for the progress of their country.   President Obama should not take interest in the public affairs.   Police should not arrest the criminals red handed.   You should not work down to du...

Principles of Accounting

Principles of Accounting    By Prof. Wasif Naseem  Define Accountancy. It covers the entire body of theory and practice. E.g. Book-keeping, costing etc. What is meant by Accounting Period? It is a span of rime for which a business generally prepares its financial statements for knowing of profit or loss.  Doscribe Cost Accounting. The main objective of cost accounting os to determine the cost of goods manufactured or produced by the budiness. Who is proprietor? The owner of the business who invests capital in the business. What is meant by Assets? These are the properties and processions of a business both tangible and intangible. What is meant by Liabilities? The debts and obligations of a business are called liabilities. What is meant by Capital? It is the source of funds provided by the owner of the business. What is meant by purchases? The goods bought for resale is known as purchases. These goods are also known as merchandise. What is meant by I...

Present continuous and Perfect Tense

Present continuous This tense is used to denote or express some act or action present .thus this tense indicates the going on of some action in the present. Formation of sentences: Subject+(am/is/are+1 st form +ing)+Object Examples:   I am writing an essay in English. She is washing the clothes. They are flying the kites. The farmer is harvesting the crop of wheat. We are learning English grammar. Negative: Subject+(am/is/are+Not+1 st form +ing)+Object The farmer is not harvesting the crop of wheat.   The police are not chasing the thief. The classes are not being taking by our English teacher. We are not learning English grammar.    Interrogative: Is,Am,Are+Subject(1 st form +ing)+Object Are the police chasing the thief? Are they deceiving the artless people? Is the government patronizing the intelligent student? Are we learning English grammar? The present perfect tense     This tense is used to indicate or example an action that was begun in the pa...

F.A Important Essays

My Hero in History My Favorite Poet The Person Which I Like Most Hero is a man of outstanding character and matchless genius. He must be a man of unique qualities. Thought the Muslims history is full of great men my hero in history is Allama Muhammad Iqbal .I thing he is really a man worthy of the title Hero. Allama Muhammad is our nation poet he was born in Sialkot. After completing his primary education, he came to Lahore for learning, at that time the English were the rulers of India. They were very cunning. They did like the Muslims. They tried their best to keep the Muslims backward and ignorant. Iqbal who was a great well-wisher of the Muslims tried to awaken the Muslims from their sleep of ignorance through his poetry. He wrote a number of poems and verses to make the Muslims. It was a great Muslims poet. The purpose of the poetry was to teach the Muslims. What they had forgotten. It was a lesson of their golden tradition and matchless achievement. He wrote his poetry to urge t...

F.A Guess Paper for Intermediate

English Guess for F.A Part 2 for Punjab boards What happened when, according to Sir James Jeans, wander star, wandering through space, came neat the sun? Or What happened when the wandering star came neater and nearer? Or What are planets and how did they come into existence? Why is there no life on the stars? Write a note on the beginning of life on the stars. How has the scientific method helped us in our fight against disease? How has the scientific method brought about revolution in our life? How has the scientific method helped us in the production and preservation of foods? How has the scientific method enabled us to get over the old fears? What part of astrology play in the lives of men and women in the past? What are the main causes of failure of students at college level? What is a mistaken ambition and how does it lead to the failure of the boys? How does financial pressure lead to the failure of students? What was Daiches' attitude towards the week-end as a s...

Intermediate previous question papers

Previous question paper are available here for Intermediate all boards 

F.A Past Paper 2010

Here are given some intermediate previous papers first year 2010 Objective type Intermediate first year 2010 Objective type Subjective type  

Discovery of Human Viruses

What are viruses? Give a brief history of discovery of viruses? Ans. Viruses (L.virus, poison) at the time of Louis Pasture (1822-1895) and Robert Koch (1843-1910) the word “virus”was generally referred to as a poison associated with disease and death. The present notion of virus is entirely different. Now viruses are recognized as particles of nucleic acid often with a protein coat. They replicate in living cells and cause many diseases such as influenza, mumps, measles, hepatitis, smallpox and AIDS. Virology: The breach of science which dead with the study of virus is known as virology Defining virus The word virus is derive from Latin word venom meaning poisonous fluid. Viruses can be defined as non cellular infectious entities which contain either RNA or DNA normally encased in protectiveness coat and reproduced only in living sells, viruses utilize the bio synthetic machinery of their host for their multiplication and then transmit themselves efficiently to other cells. ...

Osama Bin Ladan Dead \ Osama Bin Ladan Killed

ISLAMABAD: Al-Qaeda number two Ayman al-Zawahiri, the Egyptian surgeon considered the real mastermind of the global terror franchise, is now set to succeed Osama bin Laden as the world's most wanted man. Like his Saudi-born co-conspirator, Zawahiri has been hiding ever since the United States declared its war on terror after the September 11, 2001 attacks. Unlike his late comrade, who President Barack Obama said was killed by US forces in Pakistan, Zawahiri is presumed still at large with organisational skills, cunning and intelligence said to eclipse that of bin Laden. Reportedly last seen in October 2001 in eastern Afghanistan, close to the Pakistan border, he has released multiple videos from his hiding, calling for war on the West. While bin Laden was seen as Al-Qaeda's inspiration, his deputy is believed to be the real brains that steered operations, including the September 11 attacks, and as a result arguably even more dangerous. The former eye surgeon's positi...