Past Indefinite and Continuous Tense

Past Indefinite Tense
It indicates the passed tense without any condition.
Subject + {2nd form} + Object
He got ready to give me the debit.
We protested against the Govt. for not providing electricity.
They forgave me all my mistakes.
He operated the computer last night.
She took a cup of tea with me in the hotel.
  Sub + did not + 1st form + Obj

He did not get ready to give me the debit.
We did not protest against the Govt. for not providing electricity.
They did not forgive me all my mistakes.
He did not operate the computer last night.
She did not take a cup of tea with me in the hotel.
Did + Sub + 1st form + Obj
Did we make a conservation with her?
Did the police arrest the criminals red handed?
Did you learn past indefinite tense from
Did he leave for London last night?
Did she put the lamb chops in the broiler?
Past Continuous Tense
Past continuous tense indicates a job that was continue in the past.
Subject + {was/were + 1st form + ing}+ Object
They were cutting the crops.
She was climbing a tree.
People were getting money from the bank.
You were paying your bills regularly.
Johan was pretending to be a doctor.

Subject + {was/were not + 1st form + ing}+ Object
He was not abusing anyone.
I was not protecting my documents.
They were not hearing songs.
My brother was not watching T.V.
The headmaster was not punishing the students.
Was/were + subject + {1st form + ing} + Object
Was she accepting your invitation?
Were they going to visit a zoo last week?
Were the trying to over come the problems?
Was I making you understand?


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