English Grammar: The Use Of "Have to" and "Had to"

English Grammar: The Use Of "Have to" and "Had to"
Some time we have to tell others that speaker is doing a job in very compel so this situation can be express in English by using "has to" and "have to".
In English Grammar "has to" is used for the present and the "had to" is used for the past tense.
Structure: Affirmative
Sub + {has/have to + 1st form}+ Obj
I have to go to market for buying the eatable thing.
We have to chat by internet with my friends.
You have to invite your friends for the wedding.
He has to come in my birthday.

Structure: Negative

Sub + {has/have not to + 1st form}+ Obj
 People has not to work down to dusk for bread and butter.
We have not to toil for the job.
You have not to come in my house.
My friend has not to make a quarrel.
Usama Bin Laden has not to take pity any one.
Structure: Interrogative

Has/Have {sub + to 1st form } Object
Has the police to arrest the criminals for maintain the peace?
Have you to write an application for the holiday?
Have people to work down to dusk for livelihood?   
Has she to cook delicious food for the guests?

English Grammar: The Use Of "Had to"

 "Had to" is used in the past for the same as stated above.
Be continued ...............


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