Learn Tenses with Examples

What is a Tense?
Tense is the form of verbs  which denotes or indicates the time at which an event or incident or action takes place and its degree of completeness or incompleteness.
Number of Tenses
A verb has the following three main tenses
  1. The Present Tense
  2. The Past Tense
  3. The Future Tense
Forms of Tenses
  1. Indefinite
  2. Continuous
  3. Perfect
  4. Perfect Continuous
So multiplying main tense with form, we get twelve kinds of tenses.
(1) Present Indefinite     (2) Present Continuous     (3) Present Perfect       (4) Present Perfect Continuous
(5) Past Indefinite          (6) Past Continuous         (7) Past Perfect            (8) Past Perfect Continuous
(9) Future Indefinite      (10) Future Continuous    (11)Future Perfect        (12)Future Perfect Continuous
The Present Indefinite Tense
It is used to denote the folowing:
  1. What is actually taking place at the present time.
  2. What is permanent or habitual in the life or character of a person.
  3. A general and universal truth, that is, a thing that happens under the Law of Nature.
  4. A past event. In other words, It is used to give a real or dramatic touch to the past events.
  5. What is to happen in the near future if future time is expressed by the context.
  6. While quoting authors, critics and poets, etc.
The formation of Present Indefinite (Affirmative)
Subject + (1st form of the verb + S/ES) + Object
  1. He comes to home after closing his shop.
  2. I take an exercise daily in the morning.
  3. The earth rounds the Sun.
  4. They protest against the government.
  5. She waits for the shop to open.
The formation of Present Indefinite (Negative)
Subject + (Does/Do not 1st form of the verb ) + Object
  1. He does not come to home after closing his shop.
  2. I do not take an exercise daily in the morning.
  3. The earth does not round the Sun.
  4. They do not  protest against the government.
  5. She does not wait for the shop to open.
The formation of Present Indefinite (Interrogative)
Subject + (Does/Do not 1st form of the verb ) + Object

  1. Does he come to home after closing his shop?
  2. Do I take an exercise daily in the morning?
  3. Does the earth round the Sun?
  4. Do they protest against the government?
  5. Does she wait for the shop to open?

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