Woman's Role in Our Society

 1.      Introduction
 2.      Education Necessary for men and women.
 3.      Role of women in our society as a mother, teacher, doctor.
 4.      Need for female education,
 5.      Status of women in Pakistan.
 6.     (1) Co –education   (2) Merits   (3) Demerits  (4) Islamic viewpoint.
 7.      A separate university for women.
 8.      Conclusion.
    It s a clear fact that no society can make progress without women education .That is why in Islam education is compulsory for both men and Women. Now women are not the second –rate citizen of the society. Islam has given a very honorable place to women. The advance countries women are working side by side with men.  
Women are playing an active part in every field of life. They are working in college in schools factories offices and university. They have proved themselves, good doctors’ nurses and strong workers. It is their education which enables them to perform all such duties in a good way. About all women are nation builders. If they are well educated, they produced good citizens by training them well.
But it is regrettable that our women especially of rural areas are uneducated. They work in field along with the farmers. For them there are no proper facilities. If  we want to develop our society with the ornaments of education. By education the women we can produce better mother, better wives and better nation builders. Islam has given them a very high status so we should facilities them according to the Islamic principles.
             In most of the countries, there is co-educated system. It means the studying of boys and girls at the same institution. Their class rooms are common, play grounds and libraries are common. They are taught by the same teacher. They travel by the same buses. From this point of view this system is an obstacle.       
 The advocates of this system say that in this way girls get ride of shyness. They know how to deal with men. It is /economical for poor countries like Pakistan. A healthy completion among girls and boys develops. They try to beat each other in fashion. Systems allow their daughters to red with the boys. Thus girls are deprived of their rights.
The only solution to this problem is that there should be separate university for women. Now govt has all resources to open the separate university. So career for women may be bright, if they will be provided with facilities.

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