
Showing posts from June, 2011

Important Essay: Co-Education

C o - E d u c a t i o n 1.    Meaning and evolution of this system 2.    Arguments in favor of co-education 3.    Arguments against co-education 4.    Conclusion. Co-education means the education of boys and girls in the same schools, colleges or universities. This is a modern concept and it has made a remarkable rapid progress. It was first introduced in Switzerland, but now it has become popular almost in all Europe and America. The Eastern countries are also adopting this system gradually. In our country opinions sharply differ on the issue of co-education in colleges. The supporters of co-education favorite mainly on two grounds: One say that co-education is an economical measure in a poor country like Our country. It is not possible to maintain separate colleges for boys and girls. Especially in vocational colleges a lot of money is required to equip the libraries, laboratories and workshops. In the second place, t...

Cheque, Cashbook and Bank Reconciliation statement

C h e q u e , C a s h b o o k a n d B a n k R e c o n c i l i a t i o n s t a t e m e n t ( S h o r t Q u e s t i o n s ) What is cheque? A cheque is an unconditional order in writing drawn by a customer on his bank. OR A cheque is an unconditional order in writing, drawn by a customer on his bank requesting to pay on demand a certain sum of money, to a person named in the cheque, or to the bearer to the order of a stated person. How many kinds/types of cheque? There are three kinds of cheque: (1) Bearer Cheque           (2) Order Cheque                      (3) Crossed Cheque What is a bearer cheque? A cheque on which the phrase or "bearer" is written after the name of the payee. It is payable to any one who may present it at the bank. What is an order cheque? A cheque on which the phrase or "order" is written after the nam...

English Grammar: The Use Of "Have to" and "Had to"

E n g l i s h G r a m m a r : T h e U s e O f " H a v e t o " a n d " H a d t o " S ome time we have to tell others that speaker is doing a job in very compel so this situation can be express in English by using "has to" and "have to". In English Grammar "has to" is used for the present and the "had to" is used for the past tense. S t r u c t u r e : A f f i r m a t i v e Sub + {has/have to + 1st form}+ Obj I have to go to market for buying the eatable thing. We have to chat by internet with my friends. You have to invite your friends for the wedding. He has to come in my birthday. S t r u c t u r e : N e g a t i v e Sub + {has/have not to + 1st form}+ Obj  People has not to work down to dusk for bread and butter. We have not to toil for the job. You have not to come in my house. My friend has not to make a quarrel. Usama Bin Laden has not to take pity any one. S t r u c t u r e : I n t e r r o g a...

English Grammar: The Uses of "May" and "Might"

E n g l i s h G r a m m a r T h e U s e s o f " M a y " a n d " M i g h t " "May" and "Might" are used to denote permission, posibility, wish and purpose. Note:.   "May" is used in the Present tense, whereas "Might" is used in the Past tense. Structure:. Subject + may/might + 1 form + Object You may not leave this place. He might not go home. May I use your pen? He may go to London for his study. May you succeed in your business. I have worked hard so that i might rise in life. May God protect you. It might have rained in Pakistan yesterday. If you have any suggestion to improve this blog specially English Language so you may tell here heartily and also share this information if you consider it useful for others.

Past Indefinite and Continuous Tense

P a s t I n d e f i n i t e T e n s e It indicates the passed tense without any condition. Structure:. A f f i r m a t i v e Subject + {2nd form} + Object Examples: He got ready to give me the debit. We protested against the Govt. for not providing electricity. They forgave me all my mistakes. He operated the computer last night. She took a cup of tea with me in the hotel. N e g a t i v e :   Sub + did not + 1st form + Obj He did not get ready to give me the debit. We did not protest against the Govt. for not providing electricity. They did not forgive me all my mistakes. He did not operate the computer last night. She did not take a cup of tea with me in the hotel. I n t e r r o g a t i v e : Did + Sub + 1st form + Obj Did we make a conservation with her? Did the police arrest the criminals red handed? Did you learn past indefinite tense from Did he leave for London last night? Did she put the lamb chops in the broiler? P a ...