Important Essay: Co-Education

C o - E d u c a t i o n 1. Meaning and evolution of this system 2. Arguments in favor of co-education 3. Arguments against co-education 4. Conclusion. Co-education means the education of boys and girls in the same schools, colleges or universities. This is a modern concept and it has made a remarkable rapid progress. It was first introduced in Switzerland, but now it has become popular almost in all Europe and America. The Eastern countries are also adopting this system gradually. In our country opinions sharply differ on the issue of co-education in colleges. The supporters of co-education favorite mainly on two grounds: One say that co-education is an economical measure in a poor country like Our country. It is not possible to maintain separate colleges for boys and girls. Especially in vocational colleges a lot of money is required to equip the libraries, laboratories and workshops. In the second place, t...