
Showing posts from October, 2011

MCQ's Biology F.Sc. Part I

MCQ's Biology F.Sc. Part I  1.    Which of the following is the characteristic of the living thing?           A. have specific shape              B. have regular shape                    C. have organized body                              D. none of the above 2.    Which of the followings includes in homeostasis?          a. To maintain the shaped of the body          b. To maintain the balance of the body          c. To maintain the temperature of the body       ...

English grammar: The Use of Will have

Will have done     We can use 'will have done' to talk about what will have been achieved by a certain moment in time.         We'll have been in these offices for eight years next month.         She'll have visited ten countries in twelve days by the time she gets back.         I'll have finished this project by Friday.     If we want to emphasis the continuity of the activity, we can use the continuous form.          I'll have been working here for 35 years by the time I retire.          She'll have been driving for more than fifteen hours straight by the time she gets here.          They'll have been working with us for 15 years by the end of this year.     We can also use 'will have done' to predict what we...