
Showing posts from July, 2011

Important Idioms and phrasal verb

Important Idioms and phrasal verb (Part 1) These are some Important Idioms and phrasal verbs which will help you to prepare your exam for F.A, F.Sc, B.A, B.Sc Through Thick        I shall help you Through Thick and thin. and thin Stand by                I shall stand by you whatever happens. For want of           One should not commit an immoral act  for want of money. Give up                  He has given up smoking. Off and on             He comes off and on to see his sick mother. By fits and starts     He may succeed because he works by fits and starts. Bury the hatchet       Let us bury the hatchet and be friends again. At stone’s throw...

Important Essay: Science in the service of man

S c i e n c e I n T h e S e r v i c e O f M a n W o n d e r O f S c i e n c e s M i r a c l e s O f S c i e n c e S c i e n c e a n d h u m a n c o m f o r t s B e n e f i t s O f S c i e n c e H o w H a s S c i e n t i f i c M e t h o d H e l p e d U s Outlines We live in an age of science. Science has made our life very comfortable. Science has added great comforts in every field of human life. It has brought a revolution in the field of traveling, medicine, surgery and engineering etc. It has made man rational and open minded. It has brought marvelous changes in our recreation. It has also changes our eating habits. We live in an age of science. Science has entered in every field of our life. It has added many comforts to our life. The impossibilities of the past have been made possible. New miracles are happening everyday. It has given man a new sense of confidence and power. Man has conquered the forces of nature. He is not afraid of the wild ...

English Grammar: The Phrase

English Grammar The Phrase Definition: In English Grammar a phrase is a combination or a group of words which gives a sense but not a complete sense. •    It is a part of a sentence. •    It does not have a subject or a predicate. Examples: •    On the roof •    A group of colors •    English Grammar •    But: I am learning English Grammar from my school. Note: In the above sentence “English Grammar” is a phrase, which helps in making a complete sense. Kinds/Forms of the Phrase: 1.    Adverbial Phrase   Definition: •    It does the function of an adverb •    It does not have any subject or predicate Example: •    I am writing this letter in a hurry.          (“in a hurry” is an adverbial verb) •    I hope you will work better in future.   ...